Complaints Data​

Complaints Data​

Improving the service we offer and reducing the number of complaints we receive is important to us.

We regularly review the information we have about complaints, which helps us to understand how we can make improvements.

Our complaints information

Firm name:Moneybarn Limited No. 1 Limited
Other Firms included:Moneybarn Limited
Period covered in this report:December, 2023 – July 2024
Brands/trading names covered: Moneybarn
Product/ service groupingProvision (at reporting period end date)Intermediation (within the reporting period)Number of complaints openedNumber of complaints closedPercentage closed within 3 daysPercentage closed after 3 days but within 8 weeksPercentage upheldMain cause of complaints opened 
Credit related109.86 per 1000 accountsN/A12,10413,230(0.5%) 87.6% 19.9%Advising, Selling and Arranging 

Improving the service we offer and reducing the number of complaints we receive is important to us.

We regularly review the information we have about complaints, which helps us to understand how we can make improvements.

Our complaints information

Firm name: Moneybarn Limited No. 1 Limited
Group: Moneybarn
Other Firms included: Moneybarn Limited
Period covered in this report: December, 2023 – July 2024
Brands/trading names covered:  Moneybarn
Product/ service grouping Provision (at reporting period end date) Intermediation (within the reporting period) Number of complaints opened Number of complaints closed Percentage closed within 3 days Percentage closed after 3 days but within 8 weeks Percentage upheld Main cause of complaints opened  
Credit related 109.86 per 1000 accounts N/A 12,104 13,230 (0.5%)  87.6%  19.9% Advising, Selling and Arranging