We will always run an affordability check to make sure any finance we offer is suitable for you. Your minimum monthly income must be over £1,000 after tax and the vehicle you want to finance must meet our lending criteria.
We’ll always try to verify your income automatically, but in some cases, we may need more information to prove your income. If this is the case, one of our friendly experts will help guide you through our application process.
We accept a lot of income types, but all incomes listed below must be additional to an income from either employment or pension.
You must also be able to show proof of receiving these from the last 2 consecutive months.
For more information, our guide outlines how to get car finance on benefits.
We will always run an affordability check to make sure any finance we offer is suitable for you. Your minimum monthly income must be over £1,000 after tax and the vehicle you want to finance must meet our lending criteria.
We’ll always try to verify your income automatically, but in some cases, we may need more information to prove your income. If this is the case, one of our friendly experts will help guide you through our application process.
We accept a lot of income types, but all incomes listed below must be additional to an income from either employment or pension.
You must also be able to show proof of receiving these from the last 2 consecutive months.
For more information, our guide outlines how to get car finance on benefits.
Moneybarn is a member of the Finance and Leasing Association, the official trade organisation of the motor finance industry. The FLA promotes best practice in the motor finance industry for lending and leasing to consumers and businesses.
Moneybarn is the trading style of Moneybarn No. 1 Limited, a company registered in England and Wales with company number 04496573, and Moneybarn Limited, a company registered in England and Wales with company number 02766324. The registered address for these companies is: Athena House, Bedford Road, Petersfield, Hampshire, GU32 3LJ.
Moneybarn’s VAT registration number is 180 5559 52.
Moneybarn Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (Financial Services reference No. 702781)
Moneybarn No. 1 Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (Financial Services reference No. 702780)