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We’ve taken a look at the battery capacity of EVs sold in the UK, the electricity price per kwh (30p), and public…
We’ve compared various factors in the UK car market, to see if public access to vehicles has changed over time, including rental…
We reveal which country is home to the most satisfied drivers and where getting behind the wheel is more road rage-inducing.
We’ve analysed government statistics on road deaths and accidents, as well as the number of speeding fines handed out in each area,…
Where in the UK are the most speeding offences committed?The penalty for speeding offences in the UK can be quite costly. A…
Which UK towns and cities have the best parking provision?In the UK, cars are an essential part of daily life. Whether that’s…
With the cost of living rising significantly this year, many people are turning to more affordable means of holidaying, the most popular…
The most unreliable vans on the market A key factor many of us consider when buying a new vehicle, be it a…
The number of bus lane cameras is on the rise, leading to an increasing number of fines dished out to motorists caught…
Which toll roads make the most money? Our study reveals the UK's toll roads that earn the most and are the most…
But which driving skills do people find themselves most attracted to? By surveying members of the British public, we’ve discovered which driving…
Roadworks play a vital role in maintaining the infrastructure of the country by making sure traffic can run smoothly and safely throughout…